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One day, this haircut will be mine! |
Unfortunately, I am old enough to just about remember the original 'Tron' movie. At the time, my 10 year old self thought that visually it was pretty cool but the story a little dull. I didn't really get it but the computer racing grid, motorbikes and the greens and blues of the computer games I thought were amazing. In the age of Pac-Man, it was impressive!
Fast forward nearly 30 years and yesterday evening, I was sat with Mat in the IMAX Waterloo wearing 3D glasses for 'Tron Legacy' - the sequel. What a pair of sci-fi geeks! Although, surely I am only a geek by association?! Typical of my weird and random likings, I fell for 'Tron Legacy' from its trailer during the last Harry Potter film and typical of Mat, the IMAX tickets were duly booked.
Verdict? Not bad but a little cheesy. The visuals are as expected stunning and the 3D brought it all to life. The extra-normous screen and L-O-U-D surround sound at the IMAX made it all very atmospheric - almost like you are in a virtual world funnily enough! The acting is OK and I loved the way they did a young and old Jeff Bridges but I don't think it's a film for everyone. In fact, I noticed that most of the people queuing to watch had that IT-computer programmer look about them. You know - male, single, slightly unkempt hair, glasses, wearing geek-chic... Just saying!
Anyway, the star of the film for me was the character Quorra or rather her haircut which I loved. Just look at it - it's just sooo cool! One day it will be mine!
Also, aside from the glamour of wallpapering my dressing room over the weekend, Mat and I ventured over to Leith Hill. It was a little tiring for me but I managed to get all the way to the top and up the tower. Unfortunately, the view from the top of the tower wasn't great as it was cloudy but I was pleased I managed to do the climb. Poor Mat would have scampered up the hill like a mountain goat in about 10 mins had he been on his own but he was kind enough to go at my v-e-r-y slow pace and push me up when needed! Thank you! We are lucky to live near some beautiful countryside and can't wait for when the weather brightens up for more exploring and obviously building my strength up. Can you feel it in the air? I can definitely feel spring is coming :-)
I also came across a REALLY good joke for you all:
What type of cheese do you use to coax a bear out of a cave......???
Anyway, it is clearly time for me to get my coat so thought I would also share with you the video below of two cellists playing Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal - I promise that it is amazeballs and it will make you smile. Fantastic cello playing, a classic MJ tune AND they are easy on the eye too. What's not to like? Enjoy!
Stjepan Hauser and Luka Sulic - Smooth Criminal