Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Tron, Leith Hill and masterful cello playing

One day, this haircut will be mine!

Unfortunately, I am old enough to just about remember the original 'Tron' movie. At the time, my 10 year old self thought that visually it was pretty cool but the story a little dull. I didn't really get it but the computer racing grid, motorbikes and the greens and blues of the computer games I thought were amazing. In the age of Pac-Man, it was impressive! 

Fast forward nearly 30 years and yesterday evening, I was sat with Mat in the IMAX Waterloo wearing 3D glasses for 'Tron Legacy' - the sequel. What a pair of sci-fi geeks! Although, surely I am only a geek by association?! Typical of my weird and random likings, I fell for 'Tron Legacy' from its trailer during the last Harry Potter film and typical of Mat, the IMAX tickets were duly booked.
Verdict? Not bad but a little cheesy. The visuals are as expected stunning and the 3D brought it all to life. The extra-normous screen and L-O-U-D surround sound at the IMAX made it all very atmospheric - almost like you are in a virtual world funnily enough!  The acting is OK and I loved the way they did a young and old Jeff Bridges but I don't think it's a film for everyone. In fact, I noticed that most of the people queuing to watch had that IT-computer programmer look about them. You know - male, single, slightly unkempt hair, glasses, wearing geek-chic... Just saying!

Anyway, the star of the film for me was the character Quorra or rather her haircut which I loved. Just look at it - it's just sooo cool!  One day it will be mine! 

Also, aside from the glamour of wallpapering my dressing room over the weekend, Mat and I ventured over to Leith Hill.  It was a little tiring for me but I managed to get all the way to the top and up the tower. Unfortunately, the view from the top of the tower wasn't great as it was cloudy but I was pleased I managed to do the climb. Poor Mat would have scampered up the hill like a mountain goat in about 10 mins had he been on his own but he was kind enough to go at my v-e-r-y slow pace and push me up when needed! Thank you!  We are lucky to live near some beautiful countryside and can't wait for when the weather brightens up for more exploring and obviously building my strength up. Can you feel it in the air?  I can definitely feel spring is coming :-)

I also came across a REALLY good joke for you all:

What type of cheese do you use to coax a bear out of a cave......???



Anyway, it is clearly time for me to get my coat so thought I would also share with you the video below of two cellists playing Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal - I promise that it is amazeballs and it will make you smile. Fantastic cello playing, a classic MJ tune AND they are easy on the eye too. What's not to like? Enjoy!

Stjepan Hauser and Luka Sulic - Smooth Criminal

Friday, 21 January 2011

Blue Monday, Magic Cakes and Vertical Challenges

Apparently, Mon 17th Jan was 'Blue Monday' or depending on which formulae you read it is due this Mon on the 24th.  It is the term given to the 'worst day of the year' when financial worries, rubbish weather and broken resolutions all conspire to make a person feel at their lowest. Hmmmmm. A load of old c%$k if you ask me. But there you go, that's just me. Shame innit?!

I have sort of had my own 'Blue Monday' all this week hence this belated blog post. I haven't really felt up to much. I hasten to add, there is nothing to worry about!  By the way, to all you youngsters out there, 'Blue Monday' is also a pretty cool New Order song - so educate yourself and Youtube it just in case you weren't aware of this.

I saw my consultant last Friday for a check-up and she was very pleased with my progress.  She even used the word 'amazing' when she was looking at my blood stats which was good. I still got the usual spiel of taking it easy, one day at a time, be aware you may get a set-back further down the line etc but it was still good to hear.  She also took me off one of the tablets I have been taking since being admitted to hospital and that's been my undoing all this week.

I have had a bit of a 'come down' and felt utterly rubbish from it all. For reasons of decency and hygiene, I won't go into detail regarding what I have gone through this week but let's just say I have not felt well. Hideous in fact.  Check me out - I've gone cold turkey!  Just like Phil Mitchell in Eastenders but less dramatic and without the boards on the door. Or the baseball bat. Or Billy Mitchell "keeping an eye on me". 

I have felt a lot better as the week has progressed so its all good. The fact I am blogging again is always a good sign.  Being back at the hospital also gave me a chance to say thank you to all the medical team that were 'lucky' enough to take care of me during my stay by presenting them all with 'Magic Cakes' from Konditor and Cook which went down a treat. The 'thank you' messages and strange little creatures on top of the cakes certainly worked their magic!  One of the nurses said to me that "it was just like cupcakes but better" so I was very pleased with their reaction. 

If you are not familiar with Konditor and Cook do check them out.  They do the most amazing cakes that not only taste delicious but look absolutely beautiful too.  I have been a fan for ages and highly recommend them.

Last week, I was also able to meet up with a bunch of friends in one of the restaurants over at the South Bank which was good fun. I was a little tired by the end of the evening but it was great to catch up with everyone and hear all their news.  And to air my headscarf chic in a social situation for the first time.  Not as scary as I thought it would be! On the baldness front, I still have a grade 1 haircut and wear a woolly hat in bed so situation normal there. Blimey, talk about painting a sexy image of myself?!  I am also in the process of acquiring a wig although I am still shopping around as a decent one costs a fortune!  At the moment, Harrods is looking the favourite.  Photos in due course :-)

Finally, just wanted to let you all know about this amazing charity challenge for Cancer Research that a couple of climbing guys are undertaking.  In a nutshell, they are climbing the equivalent of a marathon vertically up a climbing wall at each of the 7 best climbing centres in the country. 

On the 28th Jan they will be at Craggy Island, Guildford climbing centre where my lovely Mat will be belaying for them!  As you may or may not know, climbing is a big deal in our household so this challenge has a special place in our hearts. Click on the links below if you wanted to find out more about it.

The Big Vertical Challenge

The Big Vertical Challenge at Craggy Island, Guildford

I just look forward to the day when I can climb again.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

127 Hours - an unforgettable experience

I will hold my hand up. The only thing that really piqued my interest about seeing this film is witnessing the arm amputation with a pen knife scene. Shallow or what? Specifically, James Franco in said scene. As far as I was concerned, he was far too pretty to be involved in such a film. He has no gravitas whatsover. Danny Boyle directing and James Franco starring?! The bloke from the Spider Man films and the James Dean biopic? The really handsome one from the Gucci perfume advert? It had disaster written all over it - he surely couldn't carry this off?

Except Mr Boyle (or whoever cast James Franco) in the lead role clearly knew what they were doing because he is absolutely brilliant in the role of Aron Ralston, the mountain climber who becomes trapped in a canyon in Utah after a boulder crashes onto his arm. 

I haven't really spoilt anything by saying what he does to escape from this plight as the story is well known (being true and all that and all over the news at the time) but do go and see this movie if you want to see film making at its best.  I'm not an expert by any means on what makes a good film but I do know that I want a film to move me, to make me care about the characters, to make me stressed and happy all at the same time and to make me feel like I have experienced something

Danny Boyle manages to do this and then some. Through the excellent use of music, cinematography, excellent writing and, of course, his directing I felt like I was there in the canyon experiencing every bit of raw emotion Aron Ralston was going through. 

And even though THE said scene made me squeak and squirm and slightly nauseous, I was willing him to do it as by this point I wanted him to survive. I wanted him to escape the canyon. I was willing him on. I didn't even like Aron Ralston as a person - what selfish first-class idiot goes mountain climbing in the Utah desert without telling anyone where he is going? 

All credit to James Franco's superb acting for making me care so much. His performance is so compelling and so moving I felt a little bad for thinking he wasn't capable of such a role. Shame on me.  And shame on you if you don't see this film.  Go and see it.  It will make you feel euphoric.

And happy to be alive.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Pottering about

January - such a strange month. It's so full of hope and new beginnings yet so many people feel the need to make themselves feel miserable in perhaps one of the most desolate of months.  It's cold, it's wet and the nearest public holiday is months away so surely this is the time to do things that make you smile? Or am I missing something?

Why deny yourself the delicious things in life through yet another diet and embarking on a new exercise regime that you are not really going to enjoy? 

I appreciate that people are feeling a little soft around the edges from the over indulgence of December (Hello! *waves* I am the poster girl for this) but once you get back into your usual routine of eating sensibly and being more active, do things not fall back into place? Surely this eating sensibly and moving about more lark is something that can be and should be done at any time of the year? Or again, am I missing something?

Blame it all on the tablets I am taking! Or just ignore my ramblings... I am only jealous of those of you who can run like gazelles, swim like fish and bend your bodies into impossible positions because currently I am unable to do so. It's been just over 2 weeks since I was discharged from hospital although it does feel longer doesn't it? I am trying to get some sort of normality back into my life but because I am still not feeling a 100%, it's very frustrating.  I do feel stronger but I think I am trying to run before I can walk which is not helping with the frustration.  Patience is a virtue I know but I have never been virtuous!

Although I am still a little trepidatious about mixing with the great unwashed for fear of catching a hideous bug, surprisingly (especially to myself) I feel most vulnerable about my bald head.  Yes I know, how ridiculous. 

To those of you "lucky" enough to see it sans headscarf or woolly hat, thank you for your kind words re my "nice shaped head".  Your nice comments do help but I still feel very self-conscious about it which in turn makes me feel a little insecure and a bit scared. Of what I don't really know. Perhaps it's the people staring, people judging, people feeling sorry for me, people taking the p*ss, people talking about me or all of the above.

As a person that has never blended in the background wherever I go (come on, have you met me?!) I know I will get over this but it still makes me feel a little bit small so be nice when you see me.

Apart from needlessly worrying about my grade 1 haircut and bald patches, I have spent the first few days of 2011 pottering around our house and messing about with the various stuffs from the festive season.  Nothing specific comes to mind to enthrall you all. However, I will share that I am still trying to build Tower Bridge!  The box says that no tools are required because of the push fit features and that with guidance, it should take 2-3 hours. For an 8 year old. Well, either I have missed out on meeting these genius 8 year olds or I am a little slow but I am only two towers in and it's been nearly 2 weeks! I'm blaming you Amy. 

Our lovely white orchids are also in full bloom again! They look amazing. I am doing something right. Just waiting to get the others to follow suit especially the one rescued from work.  I think it belonged to someone who left ages ago due to ill health ;-) and so consequently it got put to one side and sadly neglected. Until I came along and rescued it. I'm still trying to rescue it to be fair as currently it is still feeling sorry for itself. I am determined to make it flower again - just like me, it will return in all its glory!

I have also been catching up on lots of missed TV - specifically House MD.  Mat and I are OBSESSED.  I have caught a few episodes here and there but never actually seen it from the start and so not familiar with the various characters. Well, two seasons in, we are hooked! Only five more seasons to go to fully catch up.

I also finally caught up with Sex and the City Two. Oh my days. Just how bad is this film?! Terrible script, terrible acting and dare I say also a little racist?  The fashions and styling didn't even do anything for me. I am still trying to find mind bleach to erase the mess that I saw as the pins in my eyes didn't work.  I would have stopped watching after the first hour but I was desperate to find something redeeming with it as I love the series and enjoyed the first film but it didn't come!  WHAT a disaster.

And don't get me started on this Eastenders cot death/baby snatch storyline malarkey. Just in case you were in any doubt, IT'S NOT REAL.  9000 people have complained to the BBC. My goodness. Just think how better this country would be if 9000 people actually complained, really complained about things that actually mattered...

On a good film note, if you can, please do watch Catfish - a documentary-film about the story that unfolds following a man and his various Facebook friends. Can't really say too much about it otherwise it will ruin the story but to those of you who use Facebook - it will make you think twice about it!  Do watch it! 
Thank you to Sean and Kira for recommending this and thank you for the video Skype chat - very strange but also very good to catch up with you guys all the way from South Africa. Look forward to catching up when you return :-)

Just realised the time.  I best rock and roll.  We are due to watch 127 Hours tonight at the cinema with the lovely Louise and what with feeding her as well, I need to make it look like I am at least trying to be some sort of domestic goddess.  Especially as Mat is doing all the cooking....  Will try and give a review of said film if I get a chance to. In the meantime, if you see him, ask Mat to tell you how he got a mobile phone shaped bruise on his thigh!  It's a good one!

Just noticed that it's 1.1.11 today - I'm off to find a black cat.Or a horse-shoe or rabbit's foot. Or something else lucky.

Ciao for now!