Monday, 5 September 2016

Crete - the art of doing nothing

So, I'm currently in Greece specifically Crete. Janet is getting married to Spiros this weekend in Athens and by way of getting a tan but mostly to get some rest and relaxation in beforehand, I'm in a beautiful resort near Hersonissou in Crete. Thank you BA for your flights plus hotel deals! Sarah is here as my partner in crime and wearer of all things high and shiny and or short. In fairness, I don't really know anyone else who manages this with such aplomb and style.

We had our first full day yesterday and it's a ridiculous thing to say but there is an art to doing nothing! Parking your brain to one side and just going with the flow and not thinking about anything too much is hard. I'm guilty as the next person when it comes to full pelt over thinking so an opportunity to not do so is always good to grasp.

We were lucky enough to get upgraded to a much better room nearer the sea and with our own private pool and in the process spent most of yesterday bathing in the sun, swimming and literally lounging around people watching. They do love a Speedo here don't they?! The Speedo wearing game is strong amongst our European counterparts.

My brain and body has really needed this and I'm hoping that the next few days leading up to the wedding will give me more opportunity for a complete reboot - Cntrl+Alt+Delete.

More Cretan thoughts to follow.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Complete remission

"So, I'm interested. Tell me one thing you've learnt in the past year?"

Someone on Twitter asked the above question and my response was;

"That even the best people let you down and disappoint in unimaginable ways but that I'm strong enough to withstand the pain".

I really meant this when I responded.

Porto, Lisbon and Portugal came and went and life took over. As my trip to Portugal happened over my wedding anniversary I experienced an overwhelming sense of grief and I threw myself in whatever opportunities arose to enjoy life and just live.  I even went kayaking which was good fun!

Brexit also happened and that made me feel genuinely sad. Still does if truth be told. As as 'international' person, I'll always feel European.

And I'm eating and drinking in interesting places as and when the opportunity arises. I may as well move into the Shard I visit so often and wining and dining at the top of the Gherkin was super.

But the best news of all is that a year after my second stem cell transplant, I'm still cancer free and still classed as being in complete remission - CR. There's still lots 'wrong' with me which I'm not really going to go into now but the most important thing is that the malevolent cells are at bay and I can try and get a semblance of normality over the coming weeks.

Good and better things are still to come. I just need to keep reminding myself this.