Thank you for visiting my blog and welcome! I know it’s been ages since I first mentioned this blog as a way of communicating with people and I’m sorry for the delay in releasing this blog address to you. Because of one thing or another and various incarnations of this tome chopped, changed, deleted and resisted I have finally decided that, just like me, what you will see is what you get with this blog. I can’t be asked any more to make it pretty or for it to be a certain way so here it is – a little random, a bit nonsensical but ultimately sincere.
A big thank you to those of you who were kind enough to send me your words when I asked for a word describing “Vanessa – She Is = ? “ I was quite surprised at some of the responses! I only wanted a few words to describe “She” to tart this blog up and, wow, get you lot! Wasn’t quite sure how to take some of the words sent to me but they are all up there ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thanks!
Being a loud and proud Essex girl, I have been called gobby in the past but never bloggy. I never thought in a million years I would take keyboard to screen. But then I never thought in a million years I would be told that I have cancer. And that people cared enough to find out how I am. Such a small word with a lot of meaning, cancer will be a part of me for the rest of my life. BUT, I definitely, without doubt, one million percent do not want me to become all about cancer or for this vile disease to define me.
I had a life before it, I have a life during it and I will have a life after it. I’m still the same person with opinions, thoughts and feelings about all sorts of things. So expect to see this blog filled with much random musings about life and what it's got to offer amongst the medical updates over the days, weeks, months and years to come. Batten down the hatches!!
you have a beautiful "ask"!!!
Yes, you could say I don't know my "ask" from my elbow!! :-)
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