Thursday, 3 November 2011

Haircut - one hundred...

... pounds! Nearly!

Not a long post other than to ask has something happened in the hairdressing industry over the last year or so?!  Did I miss something? My last 'proper' hair salon visit was probably about 18 months ago.

As you may have seen, my hair has grown back curly. A proper Shirley Temple job, some would even say verging on an Afro. Again, all thanks to the chemo.  I have been really patient growing it but I feel now it needs a bit of a trim.  A tidy up. Bit like one of those privet hedges that still looks good but needs a bit of a shear here and there.  Sadly, I don't think my hair will ever be as long as it was but I really want a 'Quorra' haircut (see my post back in Jan 2011) so would like it at least jaw length.

Anyway, my usual hairdresser couldn't fit me in over the next few days so I thought I would try out another reputable salon.  Wow.  I had no idea that haircuts were so expensive!  I was being quoted, ahem, brace yourself, EIGHTY FIVE POUNDS (£85!!!) for a wash, cut and blow dry at one place! 

I will hold my hand up and admit to spending a small fortune in the past on my  crowing glory but £85 for a haircut in an average salon not even in central London probably by an ok hairdresser is ridiculous.  I think £50 is a stupid amount to pay but I am prepared to pay it as that seems to be the average round here.

Do these people know there is a recession on?! I'm going to wait till my usual salon can fit me in. Cheaper and at least I know they are good.  I'm off to pick my jaw from the floor. And to learn to cut hair.  It's clearly a good way of making money!

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