Thursday, 2 February 2012


Furry, soft round the edges & prone to snuffling noises...
sounds a bit like me?! Watch this, it will make you smile ALL DAY!!

I have what can only be described as 'blogger's block'. It's all there but stuck. I am unable to find the sentences and when I do, we are looking at only 140 characters being used up, if that.  *waves at Twitter*

I'm letting it ride in the hope that like all good blockages, it will come undone and the tidal wave of creativity will flow out. I'm hoping this feeling won't last too long and that I will come unstuck from the treacle. Otherwise medical intervention may be needed.

Anyway, since my 'Blueberries' post, I have had great news from my test results! Just over a year since my stem cell transplant, I'm still cancer free which is pretty good. Not so good is the fact that my bones are still achey which apparently could be a sign of an 'autoimmune condition'.  Yes, I know I sound like a 'House' episode and should be argued between Dr House and Dr Foreman but this is yet another turn in the road of my medical odyssey. The joint paint needs some form of explanation.

Now that it's February, I can approach this new year with renewed vigour and zest. I hate January anyway, it should be erased and February be the new year.

Anyway, I'm off to be like a dormouse. Will try not to snore too much. But hope to gain inspiration.  

1 comment:

Vanessa x said...

Thank you for your kind words Susan or is it Russell?! Glad you enjoy my musings :-)