Sunday, 30 September 2012

Dahab Daze - Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick

I'm ashamed to say that no matter how hard I try I always end up late. I'm one of those people with the best intentions but inevitably time runs away from me. Not all the time I hasten to add as I'm not THAT bad but it does happen. However, being in Egypt these last 3 days has opened my eyes to a different kind of late. It may just be Dahab but everything just seems all a bit slow. It's possibly the searing heat, who after all wants to move that fast in this weather but there doesn't seem to be a rush for anything.  Possibly an unfair observation but one that definitely exists. 

Take our dinner last night where to cut a long story extremely short, Mat and I ended up in a Bedouin restaurant. He seemed like a nice chap and was grateful for us visiting his establishment. He also seemed a little shocked to see us. So shocked it took nearly 2 hours for us to get our dinner from first order to plates on table. We could have left but we were caught in that vortex of we-can't-leave-now-otherwise-it-would-be-rude-to-do-so situation so we stuck it out.  It was OK but let's just say, I'm lookng forward to our Thai meal tonight!  I had falafel earlier and more hummus and tahini consumed than a person should so Thai tonight seems a good option. And oh look, we're running a little late!

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