Wednesday, 2 January 2013


New year, new start.

There I was blogging merrily away in Egypt and trust the Nile, its immense beauty and the dahabiya we were sailing on to decide to have no web access and my blogging routine disrupted... In fairness, it was also my lack of blogging commitment that put a stop to the writing.  And life in general as the rest of our Egypt holiday was incredible and I've done loads of cool stuff as yet un-blogged since.  In addition, I'm still tweeting away in all its 140-character glory.

I don't do new year resolutions but more as a commitment to myself and by way of keeping in touch (sorry folks - you know who you are) I'm hoping to blog at least once a week as of today. Trust.

So, rather appropriately the first post of 2013 is about 'Up' - the Pixar film that everyone was raving about a couple of years or so back but I just didn't get around to seeing until today, New Year's Day 2013. What a day to watch it and what a wonderful film this is. I really can't believe it has taken me so long to see it.  In watching it through a veil of tears, snot and introspection it's reaffirmed to me that life really is about right now even though you may still be grieving for the life and future you thought you were going to have.   That it's also important to follow what makes you happy and that no matter what you have materially, those that care for you will always be the most important. (Oh my days, I think I'm off again *sobs*).

It is also really quite funny regardless of the weepy stuff I've written above. Really! It's got talking dogs in it, a boy scout and a grumpy old man - what more can a film need?!

2013 - let's make this a memorable one! 

Happy New Year!

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