Tuesday, 11 August 2015

My factory reset - 2nd stem cell transplant

So I'm now in hospital for my factory reset. Time for the nuclear chemo (Melphalan) to work it's magic. And destruction. That's the trouble with anything nuclear, everything gets destroyed in its path. Goodbye hair once again. But just as demonstrated by Hiroshima and Nagasaki commemorating 70 years last week since their atomic bomb destruction,  things do improve and rebuild. Better even. This is where my stem cells work THEIR magic. Come on you beauties! I keep telling and reminding myself this. I have to. Otherwise negativity will eat me up and like lots of things, people and events in life, cancer is not worth it. A big f#$k you cancer.

In between canoeing the canals of the Thames; kayaking in a Lidl kayak in the Cotswolds and not sinking (!!!); succesfully completing punishing six months of chemo; eating, drinking and laughing with friends and family, visiting amazing gardens, having fun in our amazing garden, seeing a wonderful ballet, discovering Deptford and most of all being given an opportunity to reflect and consolidate, the last few weeks have been good. I intend to be around for more of the same and then some. Just watch me.

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