Saturday, 22 October 2011

A sponge is an animal not a plant

There were three stand out things from yesterday;

1).  I learnt that contrary to popular belief, a sponge is an animal and not a plant.

That a sponge sponge from say somewhere like Kalymnos looks very strange, almost 'alive' when wet and used in the shower. Strange in a watching kind of way. Winking even.  I'm pretty sure it wasn't and hadn't been alive, alive and that it had been made to look alive.  But what with Halloween approaching you just never know really...(!)

2).  If you're good friends with someone, it doesn't matter how long it has been since you last saw them, how far away they live, what you and they have been up to, it all just works when you see them again. Fits even. It obviously all depends on whether they are a pretty decent human being to begin with but you wouldn't be friends with them if they weren't. 

3).  That the old saying of 'tell me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are' is really true.  

Great seeing you Marc. And fantastic to meet your friends and gorgeous sister.   Hope to see you soon. 

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