Thursday 9 February 2017

My duck face is better than your duck face

My duck face is better than your duck face

Disclaimer: This post is nearly 4 weeks old but has been languishing in my drafts folder so since I wrote this, I am now virus free.

However, I was in hospital earlier again today, this time to get checked out for rogue blood clots in my arm. Thankfully they didn't find any and the weirdness I have been feeling in my right arm is being put down to damaged nerves. Apparently this is 'a thing' with those who have had stem cell transplants. Something else to add to the list.

Like most people this winter, I was diagnosed with a virus. Unlike most people, because of my ridiculous medical history, I had to be checked out more thoroughly to ensure that my immunity wasn't even more compromised. 

They managed to source the type of virus that's been causing me consternation this past month and while in hospital last Friday they made me wear this mask to make sure I didn't spread my germs, hence me looking like a duck!

I was there on my regular quarterly visit to receive my bone strengthening treatment (pemidronate) and to see my consultant. I'm pleased to say that apart from this virus, they are pleased with my progress - still in complete remission and other than being told to take it more easy, it is business as usual.

Easier said than done given what life throws at you. Onwards and upwards and one foot in front of the other as they say.

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