Tuesday 19 July 2011

Salad. Leaves.

Mat's scissor hands doing their salad harvesting thing

Whilst getting ready to go home earlier, a work colleague asked me if I fancied joining him for a drink. Can you believe that I actually said that I would love to but I couldn't tonight as...... I was harvesting salad.

I must have sounded such a loser but as you can see from the above photo, I was indeed harvesting salad with Mat.  It wasn't a euphemism for anything! 

Our first row of salad leaves was absolutely delicious. One of the leaves was an odd but good flavour combination of pepper and mustard. It tasted like rocket but it wasn't. We had the leaves with a home made vegetable bake so talk about healthy. Well, apart from the cheese!

It is quite satisfying all this growing and gardening lark. I just wish it would stop bloody raining. Oh my life! It feels like November in July. Where did all the sunshine go? It is supposed to be summer! It's getting quite depressing.

Almost as much as all this hacking and News International malarkey. Yesterday a showbiz journalist's dead body is found. Today an idiot throws a custard pie to the face of a billionaire media mogul and his wife gets to show off her impressive right hook. Tomorrow? How about David Cameron resigning?! I really hope not. It could mean another general election. I don't think I could take any more of this in the news.  

There are other things going on in the world!  Like the fact that there is some nut-nut going around tampering with saline solutions in a hospital in Stockport potentially killing wards full of people; the Euro is imploding; the NHS is getting privatised up to its eyeballs and Cheryl has left Ashley. Again. And my hair is still really curly. I'm going to end up looking like one of those 118 blokes.

Talk about a good day to bury bad news.

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