Monday 11 July 2011

Where was I?

It's been a while.

Since my last post, almost 3 weeks ago, quite a few things have happened and because of either busy-ness, laziness, tiredness, headaches, hot weather, hangovers or a combination of all six, I haven't had a chance to post on here in great detail.  

So, in no particular order, she with a capital V;

Got given her 6-month complete remission
The 24th June saw me be told that 6 months on since my stem-cell transplant back in December, I'm still in complete remission. Given that the 6-month mark is usually the earliest when this cancer flares up again (if it does flare up again), I was a little worried and nervous. 
It was one test I really wanted to pass and I did.  My consultant was very matter of fact about it as they all have to be I suppose in case it is not good news. I just sat there stupefied. Mat just kept stroking my knee!  I am by no means in the all clear as I still have to undergo regular check-ups and monitoring and my body is still settling down to how it was. But it's a start and I will take it.

We celebrated by finally buying me an engagement ring that I actually liked, in fact, love. 

Saw 'Take That' at Wembley Stadium

Take That Progress Tour June 2011 at  Wembley Stadium     

Yes I was there. On the first night of their 8 night stint at Wembley - myself, Kira, Debs and Fran along with around 77,000 other people (mostly women of a certain age) sang, danced and generally had a fantastic time to the fab four and Robbie.  

I have been to a few gigs in my life but this is probably the only one where before the start, I was quaffing champagne at the top of Wembley stadium where the sun was shining and laughter and chat was flowing. How civilised! And very, very cool.  
Equally, I haven't really been to many gigs where you get to hear people say; "Mind how you go down those steps, they are ever so steep" or "The toilets are really good, they are ever so clean" or "Look at all that rubbish down there! Some poor person has got to clear that up" or "Another bottle of your house champagne please".  How terribly middle-class! Grown-up even! 

But I suppose that's what you get when you go to see everyone's favourite man-band.  They were amazing and the show was superb. What a class act.  Robbie did his thing and at times it did feel a little bit like Robbie Williams and Take That but it was still a great evening.

I was quite emotional throughout most of it. When Sean managed to organise the tickets for Kira's surprise birthday present it was way back in December - when I was literally on my death-bed and although appreciative, not even thinking beyond the next day let alone a Take That concert in June.  
Six months on, I am listening to Gary, Howard, Mark, Jason and Robbie singing Rule the World and seeing a sea of hands and listening to a stadium of cheers. Back for Good indeed.  

Said au revoir to two friends (Sam and Marc)
One to a new job. The other to a new life abroad with his beloved. For both, bigger and better things.
I'm really happy for them but a little heavyhearted too as I will miss them both in different ways. It made me think of this quote;

"And I hate when things are over when so much is left undone"

And this very cheesy 90s classic it came from. Love this song!  Whatever happened to Deep Blue Something?

Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffanys

Finally, got told how to 'solve' a maze after all these years
Unfortunately, it took about 20 minutes of copious laughter at my expense whilst I drove myself demented trying to get out of the maze at Tatton Park.
Mat, Amy and Fraser - thanks!  Some photos of the Japanese garden at Tatton Park below which was beautiful.

Has watched our garden grow even more
I know it's only salad leaves, pak choi and ping pong courgettes amongst others but Mat and I are ever so proud. Freshly weeded by my own fair hand, our vegetable patch is looking luscious n'est ce pas? Can't wait to eat it!

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